Kutipan kata-kata Bethany

Kutipan diambil dari Soul Surfer:  
Sebuah Kisah Nyata dari Iman, Keluarga, dan Perjuangan 
untuk dapat kembali berselancar. oleh Bethany Hamilton 
diterbitkan tahun 2004 oleh MTV 

kekuatan saya berasal dari hubungan saya dengan Kristus dan dari kasih dan dorongan dari keluarga dan teman-temanku.
Saya percaya pada Tuhan. bukan seperti saya percaya kepadaNya seperti seseorang percaya, mengatakan, tentang gravitasi atau matahari terbit / muncul di pagi hari. Itu semua hanya fakta-fakta yang tidaklah berarti apa-apa.Maksudku, adalah aku BENAR-BENAR percaya pada Tuhan.

Saya tidak berpura-pura memiliki semua jawaban atas mengapa hal-hal yang buruk terjadi pada orang baik, tapi aku tahu bahwa Allah mengetahui semua jawaban, dan kadang-kadang Dia memungkinkan Anda mengetahui dalam kehidupan ini ...

Aku tidak tahu apa yang gadis-gadis lain lakukan sebelum mereka pergi keluar di hari panas, tapi bagi saya melakukan sebuah rutinitas sederhana : aku berdoa. Aku berdoa untuk keselamatan bagi semua orang dan saya berdoa untuk hikmat dalam pemilihan gelombang saya dan kemampuan untuk berada di tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat.

Paramedis berbisik di telinga saya "Allah tidak akan pernah meninggalkan Anda atau meninggalkan engkau."

Allah memiliki sesuatu yang lebih besar yang direncanakan untuk saya. Apa yang kita semua harus lakukan adalah percaya ... dan percaya.

Aku punya pikiran ini di setiap detik kehidupan saya-Mengapa saya? Tidak negatif, seperti Mengapa hal buruk terjadi padaku? Tapi lebih seperti "Mengapa Tuhan memilih saya dan apa yang ada dalam pikiran Nya untuk saya?"

Ketika orang-orang bertanya kepada saya apa iman saya dalam Kristus berarti bagi saya, saya biasanya menjawab semuanya hanya dalam satu kata! Ini benar sebelum dan setelah serangan hiu.

Saya melihat bahwa Allah dapat gunakan cerita saya untuk membantu orang lain. Setelah seorang gadis datang dan memberitahu saya bahwa dia telah menderita kanker. Ketika dia belajar cerita saya itu membuatnya sadar bahwa dia tidak perlu menyerah.

Sulit bagi saya untuk menggambarkan kegembiraan yamg saya rasa setelah saya dapat berdiri dan mengendarai gelombang untuk pertama kalinya setelah serangan. Saya sangat bersyukur dan bahagia .  Keraguan kecil yang kadang-kadang bilang kau tidak akan pernah surfing lagi sudah hilang di dalam satu gelombang.

Saya berpikir bahwa jika saya bisa membantu orang lain menemukan harapan dalam Tuhan, maka adalah berharga sebuah kehilangan lengan

Teman saya Sarah mengatakan bahwa saya bisa menjadi suara Tuhan. Saya biasanya memutar mata saya ketika dia mengatakan itu, karena jika saya adalah Tuhan, Dia tidak akan memilih saya dari semua orang untuk berbicara untukNya.


Soul Surfer

Bethany Hamilton: Soul Surfer

Christian teen's inspirational story featured in new movie
April 6, 2011 - When teen surfer Bethany Hamilton lost her arm in a shark attack in 2003, she never dreamed her inspirational story of survival and hope would be featured in a Hollywood movie. Learn how she relied on Christ for strength, then and now, and about Soul Surfer, now playing.
Bethany Hamilton: Soul Surfer

My favorite Bible verse right now is 2 Timothy, 1:7: ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’
Bethany Hamilton: Soul Surfer

by Janet Chismar

Dangling her arms in the sparking blue water off Kauai’s North Shore, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton rested on her board and waited patiently for the perfect wave.

It never came.

Instead, a shark—14 feet in length and deadly in intent—approached Hamilton and snapped off her entire left arm.

Although the beast ingested part of her body that October morning, it never came close to consuming her spirit. “It was Jesus Christ who gave me peace when I was attacked,” she says. “I just kept remembering, ‘The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus,' (Philippians 4:6-8).”

As a young girl growing up in Hawaii, Hamilton was surrounded by a family who loved Jesus and loved surfing. She followed in their footsteps, giving her life to Jesus at age 5, and entering her first surf competition at age 8.

“I just kind of grew up with an amazing lifestyle of knowing God and having a personal relationship with Him and being able to surf some of the best waves in the world,” Hamilton says. “And then I started competing and was doing really well as an amateur surfer.”

But then came the morning of October 31, 2003, and her encounter with the shark.

Less than one month later, Hamilton was back on her surfboard.

“I had really wanted to get back in the water,” she says. “You know, the doctor took my stitches out and was like, ‘OK, you’ve gotta wait one more week to let the stitch holes heal.’ And I was, like, really bummed that I had to wait that extra week. But I ended up getting back out there the day before Thanksgiving and the shark attack happened on Halloween.”

Today Bethany is a professional surfer and her story has been turned into a new feature film, “Soul Surfer,” which comes out April 8. Bethany says she and her family are very pleased with the movie, and the way it portrays their faith and the beauty of surfing.

“It was scary at first,” Hamilton admits. “You never know what Hollywood’s going to do with a true story. But my family and I were very involved throughout the whole process, so were able to just give feedback and input on different scenes, and how we would do things and how we would say things.”

And what Bethany and her family did and said at the time of the shark attack and what they still do and say today are a direct result of their faith in Jesus Christ.

“Having a belief in Jesus Christ and knowing that He is our Savior and what He has done for us, and how we’re called to live it, helps us have unity in making decisions, and how to approach life, and how we’re supposed to live,” Hamilton says.

She is blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who encourage her to keep growing in her relationship with God. That influence is especially important as she spends so much of her time in the competitive surfing community.

“Surfing, like a lot of action sports, is pretty selfish,” she explains. “It has quite a party scene, and just kind of an unhealthy lifestyle often. So, it’s living by example and being firm in what I believe in and how God wants me to live and honor Him in everything that I do.”

As Bethany continues her successful surfing career, the memories of a near-fatal shark attack don’t slow her down. And her relationship with Jesus Christ motivates her to strive to be the best at whatever God calls her to do.

“My favorite Bible verse right now is 2 Timothy, 1:7: ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’”